Sunday, October 30, 2011

Entry 2

After doing my Counter Argument Essay I noticed my paper was more focuses in Body Dysmorphic Disorder and they surround practices like plastic surgery, psychological test and media influence. Before I was focused on the media influence on people view of beauty not including the disorder which is a big part of the generation seeing because of the advance of technology. Now using the right key terms for my research, I find articles that are very specific such as interview with people who have done several surgeries because they need to feel perfect, studies with people who have BDD and volunteered to expose themselves to reality that they have been hiding from. I see that my counter changed because at first I did not know enough about the issue, and I believe a lot of people are not aware of the disorder that is commonly seen in society.

The study “How Do People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder View Themselves? A Thematic Analysis”, shows how people see themselves by drawing a self-portrait. Eleven people with BDD are interview with a questionnaire based around life events, their perception of the self and their future. After drawing their view of themselves the increase of threat perception resulting in disordered interpersonal relationship is significant. Most of them developed BDD when they were in their adolescence, and some because of other peoples influence. Life has changed drastically to them, and it is just looking back that they appreciate life when they were happy. People develop Body Dysmorphic Disorder from all different sources, and they need to look back in their lives to revive the moments where the disorder was inexistent. Visual techniques are one of the most effective neuropsychologist methods. Doing these activities increase the effectiveness of the treatment.
This article proved to me that legalization of plastic surgery is necessary, so people who do have the disorder can understand their problem and be treated before undergo to surgeries. Legalization such as doing a psychological test in each patient before any image change is made. Most surgeons do surgeries in any patient, of course they have few visits before the surgery to make sure the patient understand what they want to get done and how the procedures go. However, I believe that more should be done. Doctors should be required to report psychological test to a medical entity that overview surgeries. One of the gaps I found is that more science has gone into the procedures than into understanding the need for them. There is a substantial amount of data claiming that other disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Society Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) could also be underlining issues to the problem and associated with BDD. These key terms are very interesting when working together with BDD.

Entry 1

Lead and Academic Intro

This exercise helped me to better organize my ideas. For me is easier to write a paper when I have my ideas structured like starting with the introduction. Being able to create a dramatic fiction for the beginning of my essay inspires and motivates me to find arguments and questions.
Bruna inspiration came from the article about Heidi Montag, when she gets several plastic surgeries at once.

“Is it justified by other people’s perception of them having to blend in, adhere to societies ‘look’?”
“It is said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Implied in that statement is that it is the human eye that is beholding that beauty”.
This statement challenges the each person with how they see beauty.

Enthymeme & Toulmin Outline

What an interesting exercise! The lead and background was a great start, it even caught my own attention about Body Dysmorphic Disorder among young woman. I like the fact that I had to write my thesis and right away do a courter argument, which in the end I realized that my counter arguments was different from the first time I wrote in the prospectus. Finding the evidences about this issue taught me away more than I thought I could find. The disorder is everywhere even if the person has not yet being diagnosed with it. Some studies presented me part of my conclusion where psychological tests should be given to any patient who wishes to change their body image. Great brainstorming exercise.


At first this exercise was not the best practice to me because I was undecided about my topic. It was not clear in my mind what I wanted to research about. So I end up mixing two topics, anorexia and plastic surgery, which they were related to what I wanted to write, but I just did not know what it was. Coming up with question like “Who are you satisfying first, you or someone else?”  After I figure that out, it was easier to generate questions and write to the audience I was looking for. With the purpose and target in BDD I was able to find some evidences of when a person acquires the disorder. “Most were found in the adolescence, when comparisons to other people start to have psychological effects.” Career occupation such as actor and actress have high care about their image because they are constantly in publicity that they need to look their best at all times. Moreover, when the media is involved by publishing images of them worldwide.